Eugenia is an environmental educator exploring the intersections between food, culture, and climate justice through a global perspective.


My Story

Eugreenia was born out of a conversation about the perceived obstacles to becoming vegan in Hong Kong. Originally known as Vegan HK, this platform was created to debunk misconceptions and encourage people to transition to a plant-based diet for environmental reasons.

However, as I discovered that eating sustainability is not just about consuming less meat, I have decided to dedicate this space to share my learnings about food systems, climate justice, and what it means to live regeneratively in Hong Kong and beyond. Using food as a tool for activism, I hope to make complex social justice issues more digestible while championing sustainable systems change.


“With every bite of food we eat, we have an opportunity to help remake an unjust and unequal food system.”

— anacostia community museum


About Me

Shaped by my international upbringing, I am also passionate about identifying solutions to address inequalities from a global perspective. More specifically, I am interested in implementing ideas from regenerative economics that center on social and ecological well-being, and reshaping the definition of success in a way that is sustainable for all.


My Projects

Over the past few years, I have taken on various projects to explore different dimensions of food and how it intersects with culture, social justice, and the environment.

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My Experience


I have also engaged with different dimensions of the problem through internships and volunteer opportunities. By working with different sectors, my aim is to encourage people to consider the relationship between their food choices and the environment.

View My Experiences →


Work with Me

I have also worked with several companies to promote shared missions. Through influencer marketing, event attendance, pre-market release taste tests, product giveaways, and guest appearances at events, I help companies and organizations reach their desired audience and outcomes.

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